There aren’t a lot of things people universally agree on, but one of those is that the pools are awesome. They’re ideal for lounging, relaxing, swimming, exercising, partying and so on. However, as great as they are, they’re also high maintenance. However, in recent years, even that has been solved with the introduction of smart pools.
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What Are Smart Pools?

Smart pool, or the intelligent pools as many like to call them, are the latest and greatest in the world of aquatic fun. As you can probably guess from the name, they’re the same as the regular swimming pool, only with some added smart features.
All of those smart features have one thing in common – automation. A smart pool can automate all the processes you would usually find boring and time-consuming, like automated cleaning, pH balancing, temperature regulation, light regulation etc.
As you can tell from the name, all of those things can be set up from a smartphone, hence the name. So, you could easily sit down, pull out your smartphone and heat the water before you jump in. If you want to learn more about it or take a peek at how all of this new tech works, you could view here, but even now, it seems pretty neat, right?
Now, what we’re wondering here today is – how does it all work for fitness heads that use a swimming pool to exercise and stay in perfect shape? Well, let’s find out.
1. It Gives You More Time To Exercise

Most of us lead busy lives and we only have so much time to work out and take care of our bodies and when you factor in the time it would take you to regularly clean and maintain the pool – you could end up sacrificing one or the other.
On the other hand, if you don’t have to deal with the maintenance chores, you can spend more time exercising. Allocate the hour or two you would spend on weekly maintenance and put some work in – the results could be noticeable.
2. Create A Perfect Swimming Environment

With a plethora of smart features, you can transform your pool into a perfect swimming and fitness environment. If you want to swim during the night, when it gets dark and cold – you can. Just grab your device, set up the lights, bring up the temperature a few degrees and just jump in. It’s as simple as that.
3. You Could Workout With An Injury

All exercise is good for you, but swimming is special. Almost anyone can do it. You could be young or old, fit or not, you could be injured or perfectly healthy, it doesn’t matter – you could still get in a good workout in your smart pool.
Swimming is an amazingly effective, yet low impact exercise and that’s exactly what makes it suitable for everyone. Granted, you would have to learn how to swim, but that’s about it when it comes to requirements. All of this is due to the fact that the water is a much more supportive environment, compared to the air. It’s less taxing on your body, therefore, you could easily work out through your injury, thus maintaining your fitness level, reaching your fitness goals and not jeopardizing aggravating the existing injury.
In fact, swimming pools are often used in the rehabilitation process, so not only will you be able to continue to pursue your goals – you’ll actually get better in the process. Once again, all of this is due to the water’s ability to lower the impact of the exercise. It doesn’t matter whether you’re swimming, doing weight training or some lightweight aqua-robics – it’s still equally effective.
4. It Offers A Full Body Workout

There aren’t many physical exercises that activate the whole body as much as swimming does. The only other exercise that would come close to swimming is the deadlift. When you’re swimming in a smart pool, you’re activating every major muscle group in your body. You train your shoulders, your back, your chest, arms, legs, glutes and so much more.
Depending on the style, you can even control which muscles groups work more at a given time, which gives a great level of control and balance over your training session. What’s even better, none of it will be too strenuous or taxing on your body, so you can do it on a daily basis without ever getting sore or injured.
5. It Helps You Lose Weight

Losing weight is simple. All you have to do is watch what you eat, limit your calorie intake and exercise regularly. Now, a smart pool can cook your lunch for you, but what it can do is burn all those extra calories and help you lose all the extra weight you’ve gained over time.
On average, you can burn about 400 calories in an hour of swimming and if you really go at it that number could easily double. That means that an intense swimming session for only an hour could burn pretty much half of your caloric intake for the day, which would help your weight dropping process quite a lot.
6. It Improves Your Sleep

What many don’t realize is that sleeping is an integral part of the fitness journey. When you sleep – you recover. And as anyone who has ever trained will tell you – lack of recovery is killing your gains. There will be no progress if you don’t give your body enough time to rest.
On that note, swimming has been proven to positively impact your sleep. It helps you fall asleep faster and it helps you stay asleep longer. Also, you could use the smart features of your pool to heat the water and go for a swim before bed, so that you fall asleep faster, once your body starts cooling down from both exercise and warm water.
As you can see, the benefits of a smart pool extend far beyond just convenience. You can use all of these smart features to set up your pool just the way you like it so that you can reach your fitness goals faster.
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