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Opening Word
Dealing with health and feeling good each and every day are some of the things that allow us as humans to be at the peak of our powers. When you are feeling down in any sort of way, productivity is low, there is no motivation, and you begin to question whether things are worth it and if you can really do something. For the men who have been told they need to be strong and capable, this can have very bad long-term effects. It is not always enough to do everything you are supposed to and remain as ready for the day and for new success in life. Sometimes you need more. You need to consciously do things that will make you feel good, stronger, and more capable. Something that will raise your levels across the board and allow you to feel like more of a man. That something is a higher testosterone level.
Why Does It Matter?
Testosterone, as you probably know, is the main male hormone also known as the male sex hormone. Women have very small amounts of it because the body still needs some despite gender, but it is the males who make use of it and who depend on it for many things in life. It is produced in the testicles and having optimal levels is important throughout the man’s life. Having enough of it is important for general health and it can help with risks of diseases, but also sexual function, drive, strength, and body composition. Greater muscle mass and overall strength and stamina depend on testosterone levels as well. However, some men do not have optimal levels for various reasons. Others want or need more of it during a period of their life or they simply want to feel different and “manlier”. Naturally, they look for ways to increase the levels.
Doing It Right
This is of course more than possible, especially in the modern day and age when there are so many supplements for all sorts of things. However, increasing the levels of your testosterone levels needs to be done the right way. Doing it the wrong way and not caring about what you achieve will result in unwanted side effects, misuse, and even dangerous levels of this and other hormones. Symptoms like erectile dysfunction, fatigue, low muscle mass, increased body fat, depression, and bad sleep habits are all symptoms of low testosterone. Because of this, it is important to approach it with great care and do it naturally. The best way to do this is naturally and we will tell you how. Read on to learn how to increase testosterone levels naturally and be sure to check out for more info about this hormone.
Eating Healthier
Improving your diet is the first thing you need to take care of. Healthy food helps in two big ways, the first being weight loss and promotion of healthy weight, and the second being reduced blood sugar spikes. A healthy diet means a balanced diet where you eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, lean protein like chicken, and fish. Dairy products and nuts are also important. Give up fast food and sweets and eat three balanced meals every day. You can sneak in a snack when you feel hungry between meals but make sure it is healthy as well. Avoid refined carbohydrates that come from processed foods because they cause blood sugar spikes and therefore reduce testosterone. Obesity causes the hormone to drop too, particularly excess abdominal fat as it results in more aromatase, an enzyme that turns testosterone into estradiol.
Cardio and Strength Training
It goes without saying that you need to be active in order to be healthy overall. However, to be as strong and durable as possible and to feel more manly, there needs to be a combination of cardio and strength training. Strengthening your muscles with weights and putting in rep after rep can only do so much for you. Sure, with the right protein supplements and a balanced diet it will definitely bulk you up and make you stronger, but what about mobility, stamina, and the durability? Not moving and only bulking up does nothing for the heart and the whole cardiovascular system, nor for burning fat. Cardio burns a ton of calories and muscles are built through strength training. It takes both of these for boosting the metabolism and being as healthy testosterone-wise as possible. Make sure to walk, jog, and cycle weekly. Hit the swimming pool every now and again to exercise the whole body. You only need to sprinkle a few strengthening sessions in your week if you do enough of everything and achieve great results. Trust us, you will feel stronger and more capable in just a few weeks.
Sleeping is Prevalent
There is a reason why sleeping feels so good and why you feel like you need between 6 and 8 hours of it daily. Sleep matters and poor sleeping habits and patterns are enough to make your life miserable. Ever wondered why it is often referred to as a beauty rest, or why we say sleeping recharges our batteries? Sleeping enough and well is an incredible testosterone booster, but only if you start doing it every night and maintaining it. Actually, most of the testosterone is released while sleeping so it is obvious why it matters. Less than eight hours of sleep per night is said to reduce testosterone levels for the whole of the following day by no less than 15%. Sometimes, sleeping for around 5 hours may seem enough especially when you can also take a nap in the afternoon. However, if you want to feel better and manlier and get back control of your life, get as close to 8 hours as you can. It will guarantee that your body has the maximum amount of the most important male hormone for the entire day. Good sleeping habits are also important for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which bring about the lowering of testosterone levels. In addition, the body heals best when resting and is there a better form of rest than getting proper shuteye every night?
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