If you’re lucky enough to have a swimming pool in your backyard, you should know that it’ll provide you with so much more than a means to cool down during hot summer days. Water is, perhaps, the most beneficial workout tool out there, mostly because it’ll provide resistance that could strengthen your body and heart, and it could also support some of your weight – which is good for your tissues.
You may be planning on improving your overall fitness by using your swimming pool, which is why you may be wondering – what are a few of the best techniques for getting a full-body practice in the pool? Luckily, the article below will feature some exercises that you could try, so, without further ado, let’s take a look:
Table of Contents
1. “Incline Push-Ups”

For Your Torso, Collars, Arms, And Core
When you’re in the opening position, you’ll get some assistance from the liquid, however, you’ll immediately notice that you’ll be required to use your upper body more to resist the liquid and propel out of it. It’s relatively simple to do this workout session and you should begin by putting your palms on the side of the pool.
Like usual push-ups, you must hold your limbs and arms straight since this will enable your body to form a straight line. Flex your elbows until your torso comes into contact with the edge and then push back up to begin training. You have to repeat the same move ten to twelve times.
2. “Jumping Jacks”

For Your Limbs, Back, And Thighs
The very first thing that you should know about this activity is that you’ll be extremely tired when you finish with it, mostly because you’ll be fighting against water. However, it’ll enhance your heart rate, which is extremely important for your cardiovascular system.
Like traditional jumping jacks, you’ll need to hold your toes apart and your arms at your sides. Once you get ready, you need to raise your arms to the side and over your head, while moving your feet at the same time. Keep in mind, you shouldn’t take any breaks since it’ll just be tougher to continue later on. You should jump at least twenty times.
3. “The Triceps Dip”

For Your Spine And Limbs
As you keep raising and lowering your whole body in and out of the pool, your triceps will consume calories. You have to sit on the side of the pool with your limbs on it and arms by the sides of your body while holding the edge with your fingers. From there, push yourself ahead and into the h2O, and then lift yourself up from it. You need to do this approximately ten to fifteen times.
Keep in mind, if you choose water workouts, you must ensure that you maintain and clean your pool properly, mostly because you’ll be spending a lot of time in your pool. Hence, you have to ensure that your pool pump is functioning properly, and if not, you need to purchase a new one such as the ones offered by poolpeople.com.au.
4. “Scissor Kicks”

For Your Limbs And Spine
If you opt for this activity, you have to know that you’ll improve your core from all sides, mostly because you’ll need to concentrate on keeping your body stable while in the h2O. Since you have to hold it all, it’ll give you additional support and it’ll also work your abs.
To go through this session, you’ll have to first lean your shoulders on the walls of the pool and open your arms out.
You need to hold the ledge on both sides of your body and stretch your legs forward. You’ll have to elevate your feet from the ground and make short kicks under the water. For it to be efficient, you should perform around 15 rounds of kicks.
5. “Reverse Fly”

For Your Quads, Spine, And Limbs
As we already mentioned, you’ll have to resist water on all occasions when training in the pool, which is exactly what will strengthen your back, without requiring weights. You should first start by standing with your toes apart and knees flexed. Keep in mind, you’ll have to be hinged forward starting from your hips.
While holding your torso tilted and arms dangling down, you should raise both of them out to the sides of your body until they get to shoulder height. Once you do, you have to force your shoulder blades as close together as possible. Like all the other exercises, you should repeat it approximately ten to fifteen times.
6. “Squad Jumps”

For Your Limbs, Thighs, And Spine
Squads can have a really big impact on your bones while on the ground, however, when you’re in the water, it won’t impact them as much. If you choose this workout, you can quickly build your muscle mass and your heart rate will increase, something that could help you with raising oxygen levels, which will in return help you with improving your cardiovascular system.
If you opt for this option, you should begin with a lower squat with your arms extended ahead at a shoulder height. It will be difficult in the beginning, however, you’ll get used to quickly plunging off the floor. Ensure that you land back in the starting stance since otherwise, it won’t have any impact on your body. You should repeat it at least ten to twelve times.
To ensure that you get a full-body workout, you should choose at least 4 or 5 exercises from our list above. When you complete one of them, you should immediately move on to a different one. Once you’re finished will all of them, you should rest for about 30 seconds to a minute and then repeat the entire process twice more. By doing this, you could guarantee that you get the training you require.
So, now that you’ve learned what water exercises you could choose to do, you might not want to lose any more of your time. Instead, you should put on your bathing suit, head to your swimming pool, and then try some of the aforementioned exercises in order to determine which ones suit you best.
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